29-01-2007 - Cremona dal 9 al 11 febbraio 2007, Vegetalia Agroenergia, Aqvae, Nuove Soluzioni Colturali: l'agricoltura moderna

Vegetalia 2007
Fiera di Cremona, dal 09 al 11 Febbraio 2007

Vegetalia è un punto di incontro per gli operatori del settore. Tra gli stand della manifestazione ci sono professionisti che vogliono aggiornarsi, che vogliono scoprire le novità tecnologiche e scientifiche di un settore in continua evoluzione.
Per questo la prima edizione di Vegetalia, centrata principalmente sulla meccanizzazione agricola grazie all'14° Salone Nazionale del Contoterzismo, allestito in contemporanea alla manifestazione, è stata caratterizzata dalla presenza dei migliori macchinari ed attrezzature presenti sul mercato, con 140 espositori di alto livello.
Con Vegetalia, CremonaFiere completa tutto il comparto agroalimentare, già presente in fiera con l'intera filiera agro-zootecnica grazie alla Fiera Internazionale del Bovino da Latte.


Vegetalia si caratterizza per essere anche un importante centro di aggiornamento tecnicoscientifico, grazie ad un programma convegnistico che affronta le tematiche più attuali del settore. Il calendario della prima edizione ha visto la partecipazione di esperti di caratura internazionale e delle principali associazioni italiane ed europee, dando vita ad appuntamenti in cui si è trattato delle prospettive socio-economiche del settore, di argomenti prettamente tecnico-operativi, delle ultime frontiere delle colture a scopi nutraceutici, dell'innovazione tecnologica e dello sviluppo delle nuove produzioni. Una vera bussola per orientarsi sul mercato.

Una Manifestazione nuova per la nuova agricoltura.
A Cremona dal 9 al 11 febbraio 2007
Vegetalia Agroenergia, Aqvae, Nuove Soluzioni Colturali: l'agricoltura moderna si presenta nella sua veste migliore.

L'edizione di Vegetalia 2007 si prospetta ricca di novità che cavalcano l'onda dei nuovi cambiamenti nell'agricoltura moderna. Cambiamenti e rivoluzioni che non devono spaventare le aziende agricole italiane, ma devono anzi essere lo stimolo per entrare in business innovativi e produrre nuovo reddito.
Vegetalia, da ormai 3 anni a fianco delle imprese agricole come guida professionale e altamente specializzata, si propone per la prossima edizione in tre diversi Saloni, per affrontare in modo ancora più completo le tematiche più attuali dell'agricoltura. Oltre, naturalmente, al Salone Nazionale del Contoterzismo, giunto alla quattordicesima edizione, che per la quarta volta consecutiva si terrà nell'ambito della Manifestazione.
I nodi cruciali del mondo agricolo, oggi, sono rappresentati dalla bioenergia, dalla gestione delle acque, dalla ricerca scientifica.
Di qui la decisione di declinare Vegetalia in Agroenergia, Aqvae, e Nuove Soluzioni Colturali, in modo tale da approcciare questi temi in modo più specifico e specializzato.

Brushing Your Teeth It is extremely important that you brush after every meal to prevent the build-up of plaque. Plaque is a sticky bacterial substance that forms on the teeth. Plaque mixes with the sugars inside the mouth, forming strong acids that cause tooth decay. When teeth are not properly brushed, plaque builds up on the surfaces of the teeth and irritates the gums. If this condition is left untreated, the gums will respond by pulling away from the teeth, leaving pockets that contain bacteria and pus that irritate and destroy the bone that hold the teeth in place. Eventually, the bone loss can become severe and no longer support the teeth. Tooth decay and gum disease are easily preventable by brushing, flossing, proper nutrition and visiting your dentist once every six months for a professional cleaning and examination. How to brush correctly: 1. Begin with a good quality toothbrush. Generally, an angled brush with soft bristles is most likely to be recommended by dentists. 2. Remember that you must brush each tooth inside and out. Start by using some of your favorite toothpaste and brush in an organized pattern. 3. The back teeth are most often missed, so start there on the outside surfaces of the teeth and work forward around to the opposite side of the mouth. Use a short circular motion making sure the brush makes contact with both the teeth and the gum line. 4. For the front teeth, position the bristles at a 45-degree angle and brush in a small circular motion. 5. Make sure you brush the top surface of your tongue. This helps in fighting bad breath bacteria. A tongue-scraper may also be used to remove oral bacteria. 6. Finally, rinse with water or your favorite mouthwash. Choosing the right toothbrush toothbrushes Choosing an effective toothbrush is the first step in obtaining maximum brushing results. There are many shapes and styles of brushes, from the standard manual toothbrush to electric toothbrushes. Regardless of the type of toothbrush you choose, the general rule of thumb is to choose a toothbrush that has an angled head and soft bristles. The toothbrush should be replaced every three to four months. In the case of the electric toothbrush, you can simply replace the head, which contains the soft bristles. Electric toothbrushPlease keep in mind that simply brushing your teeth is not as effective at removing plaque and tartar as the brushing and flossing combination. Additionally, it is essential that you have a professional cleaning and checkup every six months. Flossing Your Teeth Brushing simply doesn't reach all of the tooth surfaces. Specifically, it misses the proximal surfaces (between the teeth) and the V-shaped sulcus (where the teeth and gums meet). flossingThis is why daily flossing is crucial to maintaining healthy teeth and gums. If you are a bit out of practice or are just learning to floss for the first time, here are a few flossing tips that will get you going in the right direction: 1. Tear off a piece of dental floss about 18 inches long. 2. Wrap the floss a few times around your fingers and leave about three or four inches between the fingers and thumbs. 3. Start in the back of the mouth, either on the top or bottom. Insert the floss between the teeth and move the floss up and down. Work between the teeth and the gum line scraping away food particles and plaque. 4. As the floss begins to fray or build up with plaque, unwind another piece of floss. 5. After you have flossed between every tooth you should vigorously rinse with water or your favorite mouthwash. It is important to keep in mind that visiting your dentist every six months for a professional cleaning and examination is as important as regular brushing and flossing. top Mouthwashes Using mouthwash, in conjunction with brushing and flossing, may help reduce buildup of plaque and tartar and therefore reduce your chances of tooth decay. There are many types of mouthwashes that kill bacteria in the mouth, while others actually loosen plaque so it can be removed more easily while brushing and flossing. Regardless of which type of mouthwash you choose, it is important to remember that nothing substitutes for regular brushing and flossing. You should ask which mouthwash, if any, is recommended when you visit your dentist for your six-month cleaning and checkup. top Nutrition Proper nutrition plays a key role in your general overall health. It also has an obvious and direct effect on your teeth and mouth. The fuel that allows plaque to form is sugar. Eating foods that have high concentrations of sugar may put you at a higher risk for developing tooth decay and gum disease than other types of healthier foods. If you limit your intake of foods like cookies, pastries, candy, soft drinks and chewing gum, and replace them with snacks like fresh fruit (which is lower in sugar), you will significantly reduce your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. It is also very important to have your teeth professionally cleaned and examined by your dentist every six months. top Dental Exams Regular dental exams are critical to the prevention of tooth decay, gum disease and other dental disorders that can lead to serious oral problems. Once tooth decay or gum disease begins, it will continue to spread to other areas in the mouth. Quite often people won't even realize that they have a problem until a painful symptom is present. Prevention of many common dental disorders is easy as long as you have a good oral regimen and visit your dentist every six months for professional cleanings and evaluations.Dental Implant Dentist Treatment Turkey If you are a first time patient or haven't been to the dentist in a while, here is what you can expect when you visit the dentist for an examination. Before your dental exam begins the dentist will need to know your medical and dental history. This is usually accomplished by filling out a questionnaire. Once the dentist is familiar with any special conditions or allergic reactions that may affect your exam, he/she can then proceed. The dental examination seeks to explore your current dental condition. It will focus on the teeth, gums and the other tissues in the mouth. By identifying which teeth are healthy and which teeth need treatment the dentist will offer the best procedural options. The Teeth Using special instruments, the dentist will look for any evidence of tooth decay. The dentist will also check for any abnormalities in your bite (the way the teeth come together when your mouth is fully closed). An irregular bite can lead to uneven or excessive wear on the affected teeth and may lead to other dental problems in the future.

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